maandag 30 januari 2012

Writer's block

Hello everybody!
It's time for me to write a blog about something again. This time, i'm going to talk about the problem everyone faces once in a while, writer's block. The horrible, oh so feared problem of being out of inspiration.
Writer's block is, like I just said, the problem of not being able to come up with ideas to write about. A lot of journalists, professional bloggers,... fear it a lot, because they make money writing things. It's also a big problem with hobbyist bloggers as well, a lot of starting bloggers quit doing it, because they have writer's block, they completely run out of ideas to blog about after some time.
I myself just had the problem too, I couldn't come up with anything to write about, when suddenly  the idea to write about writer's block hit me.
I know that all of you also had, or are going to have the problem too, so i'm going to give some tips when you are facing the problem.

  • First of all, just directly write what you are thinking about, even if the idea isn't good (even if it's very, very bad.) just write it down. Even the worst piece of text gives a lot more inspiration than a blank screen

  • Secondly, if you still have no inspiration, just do something else, listen some music, watch a movie,... . You can get a lot of inspiration from that, if a song makes you think about something, you can just write about that.
  • Also, you should never, ever say "I have no inspiration, i'll just do this tomorrow." Chances are you won't think of something to write about, and you will just be more stressed out, because that deadline is awfully close now. For some people it might work, some people get a lot of inspiration when they are under stress, but when I'm under stress, I get even less inspiration.
  • If you still can't come up with something, you could try and write something not for your own blog, but something that might be fit for another blog, or just write a very long comment about something. This gives you at least something to write about, to fix that blank screen of your's.
  • Lastly, if you ever come up with a good idea to write about, write it down somewhere immediately. It would be horrible if you had a good idea, but you forgot it before you had the chance to write about it.

So next time you are writing a blogpost, keep these 5 tips in mind, and you will probably have a lot less problems filling up that screen with letters.

So this was my blog for the month, I really hoped you enjoyed it and that it will help you!

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